703-447-1500 info@puppyk.com

Good Manners

The perfect introductory group class for adult dogs and young dogs over 5 months of age!  Emphasis is on polite lifelong habits.  We will emphasize practical skills such as not jumping, but rather greeting people politely by sitting; settling down calmly; always coming when called, attention under distractions; and walking on a loose leash.   We will also cover all position changes (sit, down, stand), stays, leave it, drop it, place, and even some fun tricks!  Small class size!

The next Good Manners classes will start on Thursday, March 6, at 7pm.  Dates:  3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, and 4/3.  At the Veterinary Holistic Center (7950 Woodruff Ct Springfield, VA 22151).  One missed class can be made up in the next session.  $348.

Sign up by clicking the button below.  After signing up, please email your dog’s latest vaccination records to info@puppyk.com.

Private Adult Dog Training

The saying “Old dogs can’t learn new tricks” could not be more wrong!  Dogs are capable of learning and changing their behavior at any age.  So whether you just adopted a rescue dog (congratulations!!!) and want to do some basic training, or you have a dog that has developed some problem behaviors, let a professional trainer help you!  I offer private classes, using my signature positive training style (motivational and fun both for your dog AND you!) tailored to your specific needs and your dog’s personality and learning style.

Private classes are also great for families.  I teach kids to play good games and avoid bad ones, to understand the dog’s body language and to train their four-legged friend with patience and fun.

Please note that I am not a specialist in aggression cases.  If your adult dog bit a person, breaking skin, I recommend you work with someone who is.

Private classes can take place in your home, if you are in my service area; at my training facility, if you live too far; or in real life environments such as the Mosaic District.  Price is $199 for initial session, after which discounted package deals are available.  The price for the initial session is discounted by $25 if you also sign up for the Good Manners group class.

Please email info@puppyk.com to schedule your first session!  Be sure to include any problem areas, training goals and your home address in your email.  

A well-trained dog is a happy dog!  And a polite and beloved family member.

Canine Good Citizen Classes and Test

The Canine Good Citizen test is the longest-standing canine good manners and obedience test.  It is a requirement by most therapy dog associations, and just a great goal for you and your pooch to demonstrate your skills!  Each of the 10 items on the test are designed to have practical benefits for everyday life with your dog as well, such as meeting another dog without your dog pulling up to them, being able to chat with a neighbor with your dog politely sitting and not bothering you two, and so on.

The first four classes will prepare you for the CGC Test; the fifth class will be actual testing!  If your dog aces it, not only will he get the CGC Certificate, but you can also add Canine Good Citizen to his AKC Title!  Most importantly, you will have achieved a commendable goal.

This class is open to graduates of Advanced Puppy or Good Manners class or by special permission.  If you are new to PuppyK, please email info@puppyk.com and describe your dog’s previous training.

The next Canine Good Citizen class will start on Saturday, January 25, at 3:30PM.  Dates:  1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15 and 2/22 (CGC Test!).  If you have to miss a class, you can attend one of the ongoing Good Manners classes (see above) instead.  At the Veterinary Holistic Center. $399 includes testing. 

Make payment below AND email info@puppyk.com with your and your dog’s information.