703-447-1500 info@puppyk.com

Our Exciting New Location!

We are so excited to offer our next Agility and Dog Sports classes at our brand new location, Kissler Dressage:  a 13,000 square foot covered Arena with soft footing!  (Yes, you heard that right: 20 by 60 meters…66 feet by 197 feet…13,000 square feet of space!!! ) This gives you and your dog the option to run full size courses…rain or shine!  And because it’s shaded and has great cross ventilation, it stays nice and cool even on warmer days.

Come join us as we explore the possibilities of this fantastic new location…about 30 minutes drive from the inner suburbs, just north of the scenic Manassas Battlefield area.

Beginner Agility

Agility is a dog sport that challenges your dog physically and mentally.  And it’s not just about your pooch mastering the jump, the tire, the tunnel, the weaves etc., but also about running the course in perfect order, without mistakes, following Your cues.  You and your dog truly become a team!

If you are interested in trying Agility, you are in luck!  Your instructor will be long-time Masters Level Agility Competitor, Sherri Fries, who has over 20 years experience competing and teaching Agility.  She will teach you all the proper handler skills; you and your dog will have the foundation to even start on a path toward competitive agility, if you like…or just do it for the fun of it, but do it right, working as a tightly knit team with your canine partner.

In order to be successful in this class, you must have some off leash control over your dog; most importantly, the ability to recall your dog.  Dogs must be at least one year old.

AGILITY CLASSES WILL RESUME LATE SPRING!  To get on the Interested List, please email info@puppyk.com.

Sequence Handling with Jumps, Tunnel and Weaves

For those that have taken our Introductory Agility classes (or similar at another school).  We take it to the next level in this class:   learning the intricacies of entering and running weaves correctly, and practicing front, back and blind crosses as well as learning backsides and “fancy turns”!  You and your talented K9 athlete will run carefully constructed sequences and full courses on our new spacious field.  Your instructor will be long-time Masters Level Agility Competitor, Sherri Fries, who has over 20 years experience competing and teaching Agility.

AGILITY CLASSES WILL RESUME LATE SPRING!  To get on the Interested List, please email info@puppyk.com.