Jutka Terris, CPDT-KA
Jutka (yoot-ka) Terris trained her first German Shepherd Dog at age 11 in her native Hungary. Today Jutka is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Knowledge Assessed by CCPDT, the only organization that actually tests and certifies dog trainers and screens them for using positive methods only. Jutka is also an approved trainer for the American Kennel Club’s S.T.A.R. Puppy Program and a certified evaluator for the AKC Canine Good Citizen Test, AKC Community Canine Test, AKC Urban CGC, and AKC Trick Dog, She also does temperament tests for Therapy Pets Unlimited. Jutka trained her late Search-and-Rescue K9, Juno, and was deployed with her on numerous occasions to find missing people.
Since launching her company PuppyK in 2013, Jutka has helped thousands of people get off to the best start with their puppies in her small group AKC STAR Puppy classes as well as via private, in-home instruction. Many of those puppies have gone on to earn their CGC certificate, pursue agility and other dog sports, and several have even gone on to become therapy, emotional support and service dogs! In all her interactions with dogs (and owners!) Jutka uses positive, motivational methods, and relies on her trademark empathy and humor.

Sherri Fries

Sherri’s Dog, Raptor, in an intense moment, mid-competition